Online Map Builder | Gaia Vesterålen 🌍

Discover the Ultimate 3D Map Building Experience with Our Revolutionary Platform!

Combining the dynamic capabilities of React and Mapbox, our interactive 3D map builder integrates seamlessly with Sanity, offering a robust content management system that takes your geographical storytelling to the next level. This isn't just any map builder; it's a powerful tool designed to empower users to create vivid, engaging geographical narratives. With intuitive drag-and-drop functionality and real-time 3D visualization, our platform makes it easy and enjoyable to bring your maps to life, whether you're a professional developer or a passionate hobbyist

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2023 - 2023
Museum Nord

Users have the ability to create their own unique maps, and populate them with custom map points. Each map point is a treasure trove of data, encompassing initial zoom points, custom map points, and the ability to draw shapes in any color of their choice. The real-time editing feature from Sanity Studio ensures that every change is instantly visualized, making the map creation process a truly interactive experience.

These map points are not just coordinates on a map, they are visualized as text cards with a captivating header and an image on the front end. As you scroll through these cards, the zoom point, map points, and drawings dynamically change, creating a fluid and engaging user experience.

sebastian aanstad's sanity dashboard

This platform is not just about creating maps, it's about telling stories. Whether you want to depict historical events, highlight current happenings, or even create a futuristic scenario, our map builder is your canvas. The possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination. So go ahead, create, visualize, and share your geographical narratives like never before!

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