Sebastian Aanstad

< Full-Stack Developer for Aanstad Digital />

The journey begins!
Self made broke programmer
Self made broke programmer
unpaidhome2020 - 2022
(I had to take a loan for my macbook.. )
Museum Nord
Museum Nord
unpaidMuseumNord2022 - 2023
(My first "real" office job, and i certainly acted like it was)
The Arkitech internship
The Arkitech internship
unpaidArchitech2023 - 2023
(I helped Arkitech help Eimskip with some live API's / web-sockets, for tracking Norwegian boats and rendering them in a browser map, I decided to move on when i got presented with more paid opportunities, really fun project either way!)
Wait... People actually get paid for this?
Museum Nord
Museum Nord
paidMuseumNord2023 - 2023
(They started paying me!)
Arctic Pioneers
Arctic Pioneers
Freelance2023 - 2024
(Helped Arctic Pioneers with techinical research for their startup)
Aanstad Digital -
Aanstad Digital - [email protected]
Freelance2024 - Now
(Currently working with clients in & outside Norway)

Featured Projects

Stay tuned for the rest of my project updates! I am always working on something new behind the scenes!!

Cover image from Sanity Visual Block Editor 🕸️
Sanity Visual Block Editor 🕸️

A highly customised visual website / code builder with 60+ responsive, reusable, html, css & tailwind blocks for nextjs 14!

The GrapesJs & sanity integration made to enhance the user interface and editing capabilities of the sanity studio & nextjs 14. This integration brings a powerful, web-based drag-and-drop editor to the forefront of the content management experience allowing users to intuitively arrange and design their content layouts in a nextjs 14 app router without needing extensive technical knowledge, while still leveraging the studio to structure content in a server & client side rendered React app!

Cover image from Project Management -Museum Nord
Project Management -Museum Nord

The summer i spent leading special teens & young adults named talents as temporary team while being project lead for several projects!

(my leaders had vacation days, and asked me to stay alone for the summer)

This taught me alot about time & project mangement + how important planning, and having structure is!

Cover image from Online Map Builder 🌍
Online Map Builder 🌍

Discover the Ultimate 3D Map Building Experience with Our Revolutionary Platform! Combining the dynamic capabilities of React and Mapbox, our interactive 3D map builder integrates seamlessly with Sanity, offering a robust content management system that takes your geographical storytelling to the next level. This isn't just any map builder; it's a powerful tool designed to empower users to create vivid, engaging geographical narratives. With intuitive drag-and-drop functionality and real-time 3D visualization, our platform makes it easy and enjoyable to bring your maps to life, whether you're a professional developer or a passionate hobbyist

Cover image from Public Speaking - Museum Nord 🎤
Public Speaking - Museum Nord 🎤

I have spoken several times, at the behalf of Museum Nord,

Both Alone and along with Thea Blokhus, as a helpful poster-child / children / asset for showcasing their local community project for supporting local teens struggling with exclusion & other issues, I served as a success story for them and myself, and I hope I inspired some other people along the road

Cover image from Live Boat Tracker ⛴️
Live Boat Tracker ⛴️

Explore Real-Time AIS Tracking Technology with the BarentsWatch API

Our application exemplifies the utilization of modern web technologies to provide instantaneous updates and animations of vessel positions, allowing for an immersive tracking experience. It's an impressive display of the capabilities provided by integrating Vue.js and Express.js for frontend and backend development, ensuring fast and reliable data handling.

Cover image from Data collection for Hurtigruten Museum 🛳️
Data collection for Hurtigruten Museum 🛳️

Revive the Past: Innovative Digital Restoration for Hurtigrutemuseumet

Explore how cutting-edge technology can bring lost historical data back to life! Our latest project at showcases a remarkable digital restoration initiative for the Hurtigrutemuseumet in Sortland, utilizing a blend of TheWebArchive, automated web scraping with Puppeteer, and advanced data processing techniques. Keywords: Digital Restoration, Historical Data Recovery, Web Scraping Technology, Data Processing, Cultural Heritage Preservation

Cover image from Museum Nord IPN 🗺️
Museum Nord IPN 🗺️

I assisted Deadline and Sintef Digital scientists, along with Museum Nord, in launching their sister branch - Gaia Vesterålens demo museum exhibition. After a rewarding internship at Museum Nord, I continued as a project associate, gaining valuable project management experience. and got to showcase some of my skills as a manager & associate!

Cover image from The Museum Nord Quiz 🤔
The Museum Nord Quiz 🤔

I've created a dynamic quiz and form builder using React and Firebase. It allows for interactive quizzes and forms creation, with a user-friendly interface and various platform integrations. This project demonstrates my skills in modern web development technologies and commitment to user-centric solutions.

Cover image from Private Media Gallery 🔥
Private Media Gallery 🔥

Sebastian Aanstad's homemade image gallery, one of his first reactjs - firebase web apps using as a component library.

An attempt at creating a personal secure image bank! and to show how powerful firebase can be!

Cover image from Tic Tac Toe ☑️
Tic Tac Toe ☑️

Another early Sebastian Game, actually one of the first!

Is anyone interested in - how to build a tic tac toe game for web using javascript / typescript?

I might just write an article!

Cover image from Snake Game 🐍
Snake Game 🐍

Snake Game with a HTML Canvas: A Beginner-Friendly Project

Dive into the world of programming by building your very own version of the classic Snake game! Using JavaScript and HTML canvas, this project is perfect for beginners looking to sharpen their coding skills and gain hands-on experience. Our step-by-step guide makes it easy to create a responsive, fun, and engaging game right from your web browser.
